Disturbing the Universe

David L Clements, science and science fiction

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Science at the Worldcon

I’ve been on holiday. It’s been a sort of working holiday as I’ve been at the World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal. I’ve been coordinating the science programme for this worldcon for the last couple of years, and I have to say that things have gone really rather well. Amongst other personal highlights for me was a talk I gave on Herschel and another series of small talks that I and my co-panelists gave on recent developments in astronomy. I was very impressed to hear what the Chandra X-ray satellite has been doing over the last decade on this panel – while I’ve used Chandra myself, I’m not an x-ray astronomer so haven’t seen all the great things it’s been doing.

You can get some idea of what was going on more broadly at the convention from the programme guide. There was a lot going on!

I also did a reading of my story from Footprints and got confirmation that my story in Analog will be coming out in the January/February double issue.

Noe I have a few days in montreal to recover from the con, then it’s back home for more work on Herschel, some of which you can read about on the Herschel Mission blog.

[This post is a modified version of a posting to the Herschel Mission blog.]