Disturbing the Universe

David L Clements, science and science fiction

Mobile blogging!


Thanks to the Apple Store I now have an iPhone again at no extra charge. At least that reduces some of the financil injury from the incident back in the summer.

Anyway, since I last had an iPhone Worpress has launched an app that allows blog posting and maintenance from an iPhone. This is my first post using it. Semms good so far! it’s yet to be seen if this means I’ll post here more often, but it reduces my excuses for not posting…

Author: davecl

Astronomy, science, science fiction

3 thoughts on “Mobile blogging!

  1. How is the keyboard? I had a couple of days to handle one last year, but I never got hang of the iPhone keyboard, so I wouldn’t buy one.

  2. Working okay so far. I wouldn’t want to write a novel on it, or a thousand word article, but it seems okay for short blog articles or tweets on twitter.

  3. Working okay so far. I wouldn’t want to write a novel on it, or a thousand word article, but it seems okay for short blog articles or tweets on twitter.

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